
The ugly years of being a fool, ain't youth meant to be beautiful?

This time next week, I will be twenty years of age. I am nowhere near as accomplished nor as graceful nor as ultimately just grown up as I expected I would be by this stage in my life. Forgive my heightened neurosis, but the subject of increasing age is one that still terrifies me. I'm doe-eyed in the headlights of oncoming time and there's nothing I can do to prevent it's inevitable arrival. I guess the only things that keep me from spiralling into a mid-mid-life crisis are the luck of forever being cursedblessed with permanent Baby Face and a Vertical Hindrance. Both my appearance and mindset will always have the tendency to be child-like, and I can't really ask for anything more than that small grasp of innocence I'm still clinging on to.

So as an avid lover of both pathetic sentimentality and Rookie Mag's Friday playlists, I decided a fine way to celebrate/commiserate my last month of Teen Age would be to compile my own personal soundtrack to help me through this stressful transitional period. Expect generic songs about never fully embracing adolescence, a handful of songs that have been included purely because they have 'Teenage' in the title, and also a few friendly reminders that this isn't actually the end of the world. Because I desperately need the reassurance.

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