
Inspiration and creation.

So today, despite having the ominous date of Friday The Thirteenth (I'm superstitious, judge me) was a rather great one. I finally broke my lazy streak by dragging myself out of the house and into town, with the sole purpose of buying new paintbrushes, and ended up spending a lot more than I should have. Story of any teenage girl's life!
I should start by talking about the first picture I've posted. the album Tubular Bells is one I've heard many a time over and over, but never fully appreciated. My wonderful dad, being an avid Mike Oldfield fan, is completely in love with the masterpiece and owns so many versions it's insane. So when I jumped onto the Spotify bandwagon (and wasted my monthly allowance in the space of two days) I took it upon myself to delve into a more extensive range of music, and remembered this song from my youth. Safe to say it's 26 minutes of pure musical genius and I absolutely needed to buy myself a physical copy. It's quite bittersweet really, thinking about how my dad must've gotten his vinyl version decades ago and here's his daughter finally buying it on CD! I can't wait to tell him, he holds a huge influence in what I listen to and I'm so grateful to have that in my life.
Moving swiftly onto what is my favourite purchase of the entire year so far.. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, Vlogbrother and author of Looking for Alaska, is something I've been excited to read for a few weeks now. And as fate would have it, walking past my local Waterstone's and curious as to whether it would be in stock, I found the last copy on the shelf AND IT WAS A SIGNED ONE. I genuinely had to stop myself doing a girlish squeal in the shop and kept my cool until I reached the door and received a funny look from the man selling the Big Issue.. Currently reading two other novels (Dangerous Liaisons and Catching Fire) so I will have to maintain some self-control for now, but due to massively positive reviews I can't wait to start this book. And of course I'll probably post my own (spoiler-free of course) opinion in the next month or so!
And my last shameless photograph is a sneak-peak of my final art piece for college, something I'm not too proud of yet but I'm finishing it this weekend just in time for the new semester. Or some other term that doesn't sound quite so much like an American-ism.. and I've made the promise to really stick in this year so hopefully things run smoothly.
Now off to torture my fingers with a bit of acoustic and get an early night, many hugs and kisses.

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