
"Eh've got an empty."

Having a house to myself might've just been the most amazing yet terrifying thing I could've experienced in a while. My dad and his significant other went down to London last weekend and so gave me custody of his home for a few days. Safe to say being alone in a big dark house in an area that isn't very highly thought of caused my already dangerously high paranoia to kick into overdrive. Cue checking every room in the house and under beds and in wardrobes just to feel that tiny bit more safe. However once I was around seventy nine percent sure no crazed axe murderer was about to jump out and attack me, I finally relaxed and began to bask in the glow of his many gadgets and films and books which I knew would keep me fully enthralled! I ended up playing Skyrim properly for the first time, giving myself calloused fingers by abusing a gloriously beautiful electric guitar (hearing myself play awfully through an extremely loud amp is very fun), continued my Star Wars education by watching the second film in beautiful blu-ray, and read/watched an awful lot of old Peanuts comic strips/cartoons respectively. Which ties in nicely to my first photograph. :) absolutely in love with the bed arrangements that were set up for me, not so thrilled when I momentarily forgot I was on the bottom level of a bunk bed and almost smashed my head when attempting to sit up.. clever clever Charlotte. The second is the result of an all-nighter and appreciating a truly gorgeous sunrise on a crisp Winter morning. I also wanted to prove to the world that Dundee really does hold a huge amount of beauty if you hang around at the right time or place, some of the sights are truly extraordinary.
Seriously beginning to feel that I could live on my own if I wanted to. Of course I'm sure I'd suffer the occasional bout of loneliness, but I've always been a solitary recluse, and it's nothing that can't be forgotten with some loud music or a good book. What can I say, I'm a hermit! But in the end as difficult as it was to let go of having that freedom, I've adjusted to being back to home sweet home with my mum and sister. Although the theft of many a hair product and vast amounts of chocolate is not so welcome..

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