
It's not you, it's not me, it's everyone.

The fragility of human relationships is something that has always fascinated me. The way two people can share an emotional bond so powerful and consuming, and yet eventually can find themselves realising the other person no longer even crosses their mind. It's not a pleasant thought but it occurs so often. And although it seems a clichéd line to reference, I finally understand Summer Finn when she tells Tom the simple reason so many of these moments don't last.
We're a tiny sphere filled with 7 billion complex creatures, moving so fleetingly in and out of each others lives. The chances of finding another person who fits with you, is compatible in every way and makes you truly happy to be part of a couple is incredibly slim, and yet it happens. People fall in love, they give themselves to another and thus become insanely vulnerable. But unfortunately people don't stay the same. They grow and their minds change. Not to say you made the wrong decision in choosing that special someone, but let's face it, you're no longer the same you you were then. That beautiful person you once adored won't always be right for you. I'm vomiting out phrases that aren't new or groundbreaking, but nonetheless all true. Growing up without any long-lasting or at least 'happy' couples around has probably shaped me into this cynical and extremely pessimistic individual, and my own experiences certainly haven't helped, but it's common knowledge that not all relationships last. Recent events I've witnessed from afar (forever a wallflower) have only confirmed this. However I also know that life goes on. The aftermath of any break-up resembles Kübler-Ross's five stages of grief. You're mourning the loss of your old life with this person. Everyone will go through their own form of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. And we only grow stronger because of it. It may not seem possible during the early stages but it happens. We replace old friends with new, old lovers in the same way. Not necessarily never-ending but it may take some time before you feel secure with the people in your life. I promised myself I would end this post on a positive note and I can only find myself repeating the same quotation over and over in my muddled mind.
"Look, in my opinion the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what-have-you. The right person is still going to think the sun shines out of your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with."
Juno's daddy has a point. There is someone out there who will fall in love with everything about you. Your flaws, your quirks, your passions that maybe they don't share but still bloody admire, the weird thing your mouth does when you smile.. Your entire being. I guess in the end we all have to hope when that person comes along we'll make the promise to ourselves to never let them go. To never give up hope that love isn't just dopamine and Hallmark cards. To remember that even if it doesn't work out and finishes horrifically we tried our goddamned hardest to avoid that. Life is short. It always ends too soon. It's also magnificent and you should fill it with the things that make you glad to be a part of this crazy universe.

This post is brought to you by breakups, sleep deprivation, an introduction to City and Colour and generally being an emotionally unstable teenage girl. Bitches be crazy.

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